Class of 2015

<- Back to Alumni  Pablo Aguilera del Castillo / Pablo’s blogs Nimisha Bastedo / Nimisha’s blogs Anyuri Betegon / Anyuri’s blogs Clara de Iturbe / Clara’s blogs Maria Alejandra Escalante / Maria’s blogs Adrian Fernandez Jauregui / Adrian’s blogs Khristian Mendez / Khristian’s blogs Anna Odell / Anna’s blogs Katie O’Brien / Katie’s blogs Stevie Przekora-DuFresne / Stevie’s blogs Lara Shirley / Lara’s blogs Julian Velez  / Julian’s blogs Rachel Wells / Rachel’s […]

Arrival into the People’s space of food politics

  By Nimisha Bastedo and Clara de Iturbe We’ve arrived at the heart of global food politics: The Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome. We’re here for the 40th annual meeting of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). As one of the opening speakers said yesterday morning, this committee is the “foremost inclusive, international, […]

Analysis of the most recent text on food security

By Nimisha Bastedo, Anna Odell, Clara de Iturbe and Lara Shirley Having watched the development of the issue of food security in the negotiating text from the original release of the Zero Order Draft to the current negotiating text, we have identified some key areas that are particularly relevant and/or contentious in the facilitator’s suggested […]

Analysis of the most recent suggested text on food security

By Anna Odell, Clara de Iturbe and Lara Shirley We have read the Zero Order Draft, the latest version of the amended text for food security, and the co-chair’s suggested text that followed it. Overall, we have found that the Co-Chairs’ suggested text is a combination of acutely incompatible and different opinions. While inevitable to […]

What They Forgot to Mention

By Clara de Iturbe The preceding day felt way too long and the tension in the air you felt when entering the ECOSOC room the morning after said a lot about what was coming next. Lengthy discussions of the Food Security thematic area—whose title has not yet been agreed upon—demonstrated that the North and the […]