I mean come on guys, this is up to us, we have to do it

by Surya Karki and Aneesa Khan After 15 hours in our little Toyota Corolla, sleep deprived and hungry, we stumbled into the David L. Lawrence convention center in Pittsburgh on Friday the 18th. We were about an hour late for the opening keynote speech so we made a mad dash for the second floor. We walked into a ballroom buzzing with energy and we could feel it all around us. 10,000 people were...

We are in this together: reflections on the youth activist gathering at Powershift

by Adrian Fernandez Jauregui This past weekend, a delegation of earth in brackets went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to participate in Powershift, a large gathering of about ten thousand youth activists, coming from all over the US, working on environmental related issues. We went to Powershift to connect with other youth activists, to share our perspective of climate justice, particularly in...

CITES COP 16: Opening and Plenary, Happy 40th, CITES!

by guest blogger The opening ceremony was quite a spectacle. To summarize very briefly and quite paraphrased: Prince William: "We can reverse these trends. We can make a difference" (via video chat) Oystein Stokersen (Chair of CITES Standing Committee): "Must involve communities dependent on resources being managed in a sustainable manner" Achim Steiner (UNEP Executive Director): "It is easy...

CITES COP 16: Shark Press Conference

by guest blogger This morning, the European Union held a press conference to discuss the marine proposals to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES)--recommendations to list a number of shark species and manta rays under Appendix II. What is CITES? The primary goal of CITES is to regulate international wildlife trade of species and to protect them...

Earth in Brackets is reporting from CITES COP16

Earth in Brackets is reporting from CITES COP16! Follow us here as well as on facebook and twitter for information on the negotiations on the international trade in endangered species! Parties are coming together to discuss proposals on issues concerning transport of musical instruments (often made from rare woods), the international trade in timber, and  proposals on the statuses of sharks,...