[earth] in Durban

June 16, 2:00 pm - As we head into a new phase of negotiations, with Brazil introducing a new text in one hour, and the degree of continued major group involvement at Rio Centro unclear, here's a look back at the power youth can have - regardless of restricted areas and closed meetings.   Durban from Devin Altobello Documentarian on Vimeo. Engaged youth today are galvanized by...

The Clash of Paradigms and Durban [Disaster]

by Samuli Sinisalo In the UNFCCC, and especially in Durban, there are two major forces in play. The obvious surface is of course that of saving the planet and the climate system from disastrous anthropogenic interference. That is why these meetings are organized in the first place, and it is even inscribed in article two of the convention. The other force in play is how is this to be done? Who...

A robbery and a reflection

by nathan thanki *This is a little something from the start of week 2 in Durban that got sucked into the confusion and only resurfaced now, with some minor edits for clarity.  The Earth in Bracket's team had a rough old time of it this morning. And no, it wasn't from staying up all night letting off some steam at the NGO beach party (that was the night before). It was something much more...

Media Messaging: The silent, subtle art of loudmouthing the innocent

by Anjali Appadurai If there's one lesson we learned loud and clear at this COP, it was how important a role the media plays in determining the world's perception of the dangerous game being played out in the negotiating rooms. สำรวจ UFABET iGaming ได้แล้ววันนี้ and dive into top-tier gaming. Throughout the COP, misguided messaging was a huge obstacle to a...