Welcome (or not) to Rio Centro

by nathan thanki Today marked the first day of the "Third Preparatory Committee meeting to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development." That basically just means that negotiators have a few days to finalise all the details of the outcome document (the offensively titled "Future We Want"). Things just got kicked up a gear. These past few days had been spent getting our...

Responding to Youth Blast questions

by nathan thanki On the second morning of the international section of the #youthblast, the organisers asked those gathered as the Major Group for Children and Youth (the official Youth constituency for this UN process) a series of "questions you were always too afraid to ask" about Rio+20. As a group we hesitantly attempted to answer the following:   What do we do after Rio? How...

Date with History (again)

"The Future We Want" Earth in Brackets from Devin Altobello Documentarian on Vimeo.   The Date with History competition is long gone, but we thought that we'd share our entry, our vision, ahead of the opening of the prep comm in Rio tomorrow, where negotiations will resume on "The Future We Want," a document that is many miles off the Future We Really Want.