
Although security is quite tame here in Montreal, once inside the building I notice the silent, uniformed men who guard bathrooms and closets, never saying anything. At a side event at lunch, I turned around only to see one such guard standing in a darkened, empty translating room, watching. In the plenary I notice them as they patrol up and down, looking along every row of laptops. Who do they...

The Personal is Political at the CBD

~by Graham Reeder This week, three COA delegates have been observing the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (UNEP-CBD-ICNP1), a technical meeting that aims to lay the groundwork for how to begin implementing the recently (Oct 2010) agreed upon...

Can we part with conventions?

by Nathan There’s nothing new under the hot Montreal sun, but it is worth noting anyway. The Intergovernmental Committee on the Nagoya Protocol opened Monday morning, the first meeting on access and benefit sharing since the Protocol was finalised at the COP last October. For a protocol that seems wholly unfinished—Swizz cheese with more holes than cheese as one observer put it, or, as new...