You Take Her Land – a Reflection on Gender, Agriculture and False Solutions

by Aneesa Khan What does it mean to be a person on the frontlines of a microcosm whose climate is undergoing a dramatic metamorphosis for the worst? It often means a loss of home, land, identity, security, and human rights. But, what does it mean if this person also never truly owned the land they […]

Illustrating Water and Austerity – The Troikatastrophe

by Aneesa Khan What would voting “yes” at the referendum on Sunday mean for the people of Greece? It would be a giant aye to the creditors to go ahead with bailout impositions upon the country – impositions that hit the citizens the hardest. These austerity measures (like pension cuts, privatization of public resources like […]

Youth`s almost intervention at the first day of SBSTA

Yesterday, Aneesa Khan was going to speak on behalf of the youth constituency at the opening of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA). The youth is given only two minutes to speak at the opening and closing of negotiations. This time, however, the chair did not even leave enough time for the […]

I mean come on guys, this is up to us, we have to do it

by Surya Karki and Aneesa Khan After 15 hours in our little Toyota Corolla, sleep deprived and hungry, we stumbled into the David L. Lawrence convention center in Pittsburgh on Friday the 18th. We were about an hour late for the opening keynote speech so we made a mad dash for the second floor. We […]