Rio plus zero

by nathan thanki For a "once in a generation" event, Rio+20 felt an awful lot like déjà-vu all over again. For those of us enough to enter the lion's den of global multilateralism at the UN, the fact that governments could have ended last week’s “third Preparatory Committee to the Conference on Sustainable Development” (the pre-game to the big...

[Closing Statement to Rio+20]

  The following is a a statement that was drafted by a group of people in the Major Group for Children and Youth. It was supposed to be delivered to the closing plenary of Rio+20, the UN Conference on Sustainable Development tonight (Friday 22nd June 2012). The UN decided initially that ALL of civil society (represented by 9 Major Groups) would have 2 minutes total in which to addredd world...

The doughnut model of development

by khristian méndez // Two words seem to be hanging with strings from the clouds over Rio de Janeiro these days, making their way into everyone's mouth: Sustainable Development. They are in there because they have been placed as the center concern for both Rio+20 and its alternative forum. Known as Cupula dos Povos or People's Summit, the counter part to Rio+20 is taking place next to the...

Yet Another Disappointment

Filmed by: Nimisha Bastedo A group of passionate, frustrated women gathered in Rio Centro on June 19th, protesting against the current state of the document. They proclaim that as far as women's rights are concerned, "it's worse than in1992"! They are especially disgusted at the fact that reproductive rights are not included in the text. The list of...