Ocean acidification, a problem that requires more attention than it has received

-by Moisés Flores Baca Yesterday I attended a side event about ocean acidification titled "Taking action on Ocean Acidification: Opportunities under UNFCCC" organized by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. It focused on the ways ocean acidification can be included within international policy against climate change, something that really has to be put on the table since there...

Just an idea about youth and children’s engagement in the movement against climate change

-Angeline Annesteus: Since I’m here at Cancun, I’m working with the Haitian delegation in taking notes, assisting and helping coordinate some meetings.  Attending the conference is really important to me and I’m beginning to learn and better understand the complexity of global climate change negotiations. Indeed, I took part in this side event “Bearers of Future Responsibility: Engaging...

Dialogo Mexicano – Es Mex March Downtown: Pictures and Video Report

-Mariana, Ayla, and Tara "De Norte a Sur, Este a Oeste, ganaremos esta lucha, cueste lo que cueste!" "From the North to the South, East to West, we will win this fight, no matter the cost!" Today we participated in one of the two marches that took place in Cancun this morning at 9am. The two marches were focused on climate justice and comprised of mainly unaccredited civil society members from...