Day 5 Policy Updates: Taking Stock, Talking Lots

by Nathan Thanki The informals continue. Today saw the ADP convene meetings on adaptation and technology which got fairly heated. The big sticking points are the issue of intellectual property rights (IPRs), which has been reintroduced by the G77 but is causing the developed countries much anguish. Yesterday developed countries began referring to IPRs as "the thing which must not be named" in...

The Technology Mechanism – what it contains and what’s happening within

by Lara Shirley As one of the five key points in the 2008 Bali Action Plan, technology and the transfer of it constitute a key part of an equitable response to climate change. A Technology Mechanism was therefore created in order to increase the quantity and efficiency of technology transfer from the North to the South. The Technology Mechanism was proposed by the G77 and China in 2008, and was...

Hold your breath and read this

or "Technology Transfer to date in the negotiations" by Anjali Appadurai One of the more concrete outcomes from Cancun last year was the establishment of a new "Technology Mechanism". This cross-cutting mechanism was intended to be the place where the entire technology transfer cycle across the Convention could be managed. The Tech Mechanism consists of two parts: the Technology Executive...