Russia Presented a Possible Deal Braker

by Samuli Sinisalo On wednesday, the COP plenary discussed Russias proposal to amend the UN Framework Convention on Climate change. In the convention countries are divided into different cathegories - and have different responsibilities - according to their development status. These annexes are Annex 1, which includes all the developed countries. have legally binding emission reduction targets in...

(The Lack of) High Hopes for Durban

by Samuli Sinisalo On Monday the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change convenes for two weeks in Durban, South Africa. This is the 17th annual Conference of Parties, where parties come together to fulfill the framework convention. As the negotiations grow ever more technical and complex, it is good to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of the convetion is to stabilize the green...

Carbon Markets

by Joe Perullo Lately, the phrase Carbon Markets is what comes to me when I hear the word “controversial.”  Much of the literature I have read on them mentions how the markets are "a horrible distraction from real emission mitigation strategies" and how they "redefine the problem to fit the assumptions of neoliberal economics."  I wouldn’t say I disagree with these statements, but...