An introduction to climate finance…

by Richard Van Kampen Sitting in the back of the first plenary meeting of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) at the COP15 in Copenhagen, I wonder what kind of agreement, if any, will actually come out of this round of negotiations. I’m not pessimistic on the issue, however considering the progress of past negotiations under the UNFCCC, there is a significant amount of progress that...

What YOU can do NOW!

By Brooke Welty I'd guess that most of you who are reading this blog are not in Copenhagen right now.  At this point no one knows exactly what will come of this conference that is seen to be a monumental point in human history.  A group of global youth came up with a list of 10 steps and tips (in no particular order) that can be used at home regardless of the outcome here. 1. Educate others...