Day 8 Policy Updates: Coal-land

By Anna Odell and Bohdan Zymka SBSTA closed early Sunday morning (late Saturday night) and SBI closed this morning before the stock-taking plenary. Overall, the G77 remains unified in the face of growing political pressure, particularly on the issues of loss and damage and finance. The G77 has stated that they won’t discuss post 2020 finance until pre 2020 finance has been addressed, and LDCs...

What the BBC is saying: EU to blame for stalling in talks

From BBC News: Science & Environment 7 December 2012 Last updated at 15:58 GMT 'Hot-air' release at Doha climate talks dispels tension By Roger Harrabin Environment analyst, Doha, Qatar Details have emerged of a deal to solve the "hot air" row undermining the EU in the UN climate change talks in Doha. The term refers to unused, tradeable carbon emission permits given to...

The Beginning of the End: Some things to keep in mind when the Doha outcome is shoved down your throat

by Anna Odell It's becoming about that time where we can see the end of this COP (and with it, perhaps the end of the planet? But that's another blog). While there is so much work left to be done, there is now just a mere day and a half to complete it (though it seems as though delegates are rebooking their returning flights to the end of the weekend). Now is about the time when we will...

The kids are not alright: Frustration grows as the UNFCCC fails to actually address climate change

by Graham Reeder In 1992, the world’s governments came together in Rio and agreed to a framework convention with the straightforward objective of achieving “the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” This was to be achieved “within a time frame sufficient...

A Green-washed Performance

Post-Rio reflections, submitted to Northern News Services, Canada By Nimisha Bastedo I was swallowed whole by the institution that spreads hope throughout the world with its blue helmets and international declarations –The United Nations. It spit me back on the streets of Rio de Janeiro feeling disillusioned, blinking in the sunlight of the real world, after dwelling in the windowless...