[Earth] Debrief COP21 at Uppsala University

By Sara Velander After two and a half weeks of navigating our way across Paris whether it’s attending the circus of negotiations at the Le Bourget, taking frequent naps at our hostel at Gare du Nord, making banners at the art space in Jardin d’Alice or leading workshops at the Climate Action Zone, it is time for debrief. Once the negotiations ended and civil society demonstrations took place...

Lost and damaged: International politics playing with our lives.

By Kendall Cook I found myself walking through the bourgeois neighborhood Saint-Germain, an ornate path to a prestigious institution where I was meeting an elite group of Loss and Damage experts.  There were about twenty to twenty five people in the room, all professionals over the age of thirty, half of which were sustainable development directors of various NGOs, the other, self-involved...

A people’s trial of Exxon Mobil

  By Hana Keegan Exxon Mobil, a massive fossil fuel corporation, has a lot of money to invest in scientific research about fossil fuels. Journalists have recently unveiled that, from as early as the 1970s, Exxon knew that burning fossil fuels would cause climate change. The corporation is now under criminal investigation in New York for not telling their investors and the public about these...

A System of Perpetuation: Free Trade and Climate Change

Free trade is the exchange of products and services between nations without the impositions of tariffs or quotas on foreign products, as well as subsidies on domestic products. Although free trade is defined as a win-win strategy because it allows nations to exploit their comparative advantage and maximize economic profit, there are many negative implications hidden behind these encrypted massive...

A history of failure: Free Trade

We live in a world that revolves around the neoliberal economic system in place. Where free trade has becomes more and more normalized everyday. With such rapids trends of globalization happening around the world, it is worth taking a look at the institutions ruling this process. After the World War II, the General Agreement on Trade an Tariffs (GATT) was created. This institution had some...