Love for CDM could continue into 2015 and beyond… But this time who loves it, developing or developed?

by Surya Karki According to Annual Report of the Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, it has come through another difficult year. The main challenge facing the CDM remains the low level of demand for the certified emission reductions produced by CDM registered project activities and...

YOUNGO Intervention to CMP Plenary on Adaptation Fund

by Surya Karki and Nathan Thanki Intervention delivered by Surya Karki on behalf of Youth NGOs; Thank you Mr. President. My name is Surya, and am speaking on behalf of the youth constituencies. I am from Nepal where I have seen firsthand the impacts of climate change. Droughts are impacting agriculture, the main source of income for people in my village, and people are going hungry as a result....

Adaptation Fund – Failed or Simply Adapting to Climate Change Bureaucracy

by Surya Karki The Adaptation Fund originated as part of the overall Bonn Agreements on the Implementation of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action from the 6th COP with an objective to ‘reduce vulnerability and increase adaptive capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change, including variability at the local and national levels.' Following that, paragraph 15 of decision 17/CP.7 noted that a...

Industrial agriculture ought to move away: agroecology is the only safe option

by Maria It is pretty clear that the planet is increasingly warming up as we keep emitting carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and extracting natural gas from the ground. Or at least it is pretty clear to more than half the world’s population who in recent decades have been dealing with periods of abnormal rainfall, intense floods and droughts, heat waves, and loss of biodiversity. While...

Twisted logic: no money for adaptation unless the rich can emit more, and profit from it.

by nathan thanki The old axiom “adapt or die” is haunting the halls of the UNFCCC in Doha. As has been made clear over the years of apathy and inaction, the industrialised world will do everything it can to avoid making serious emissions reductions. The resulting 0.8 degree celsius warming, and certainty of a further 0.8 degrees, mean that those who are particularly vulnerable are...