It’s not just about what we say: it’s about who is listening

by Andrea Fontana First day at COP23. Having the chance to address the opening plenary of the Subsidiary Bodies at COP23 we frantically put together a statement on behalf of the coalition Climate Justice Now. Focusing on Loss and Damage and requesting developed countries to live up to their commitments to developing countries (don’t worry – nothing too radical here, just trying to have...

What’s that word again…?

by Anna Odell The following statement was delivered during an press conference on Wednesday, November 28th.  The word equity is mentioned a lot within the UNFCCC, and today I would like to expand upon what equity actually looks like and what negotiations must deliver for there to be an equitable outcome in Doha. Equity is the only road to ambition, and the climate legacy that must be...

The kids are not alright: Frustration grows as the UNFCCC fails to actually address climate change

by Graham Reeder In 1992, the world’s governments came together in Rio and agreed to a framework convention with the straightforward objective of achieving “the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” This was to be achieved “within a time frame sufficient...

In Response to: Doha Climate Talks: First Farce, then Tragedy

This post is in response to an article on the Youth Climate Movement Blog "It's Getting Hot in Here." You can find the original post here. Martha, I am here in Doha with Earth in Brackets a student group from College of the Atlantic who studies international environmental politics and diplomacy. I agree that the bureaucratic system and economic influences of COPs can be disheartening and seem...

What do countries think about the Durban Platform for enhanced action?

by nathan thanki Welcome to the first COP of the rest of your lives. Though Copenhagen will forever remain the most widely observed, undermined, devastated, ruinous UNFCCC meeting, it wasn’t until Durban that the sea change became official. US lead negotiator Todd Stern’s famous “if equity is in, we’re out” sneer epitomised the new paradigm that is being cemented in...