Day 2 of Post-2015: Presentations and Interactive Debate Afternoon Session

The afternoon session at yesterday's negotiations was set aside for a very productive and important dialogue. We heard from member states about their experiences regarding their approaches and challenges with implementing the Sustainable Development Goals. Four countries - the Netherlands, Myanmar, Colombia and Togo - all had presentations prepared for the General Assembly and after those...

CITES COP 16: What is your country doing?

by guest blogger What are people doing here, anyway? Day 2 of CITES COP 16 was *eventful*. I'm going to try to make more targeted posts from now on, and I got a great idea for one this morning when I was chatting with one of my friends from the USA, who had some questions for me: Friend: "Are delegates deciding what to bring back to their countries in these meetings?" Me: "What do you mean?"...