YOUNGO Intervention to SBSTA opening plenary

Taggart from gave an intervention at SBSTA opening session on behalf of the youth constituency to the UNFCCC. Find the text bellow or enjoy the video. Thank you Chair, My name is Taggart and I am speaking on behalf of the youth constituency. As the consequences for missing emission reduction targets become evident through extreme weather and changing climate patterns, we realize this is not...

The Framework for Various Approaches: A parting present from Mommy Thatcher

By: Graham Thurston Hallett For the sea of humanity that is increasingly feeing the changing conditions resulting from a warmer climate brought on by anthropogenic interference, it is clear what must be done—reduce emissions dramatically in the developed countries. Those in historically responsible nation-states must demand urgency through the immediate reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GhG)...

From Crevice to Chasm

By Julian Velez Developed countries are trying to undermine the relevance of the Bali Road Map as a whole, as well as the Durban Package laid out last year. These include a 2nd commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol (KP), and comparable mitigation actions by developed countries for non-KP parties under the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action (AWG-LCA) and Nationally Appropriate...

Loss and Damage: Missing from the text

by Graham Reeder and Katie O'Brien As we came to Doha last week, we were fully expecting Loss and Damage to be a key outcome of this conference in Doha. Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC went to the African Meeting of the Ministers of the Environment to encourage them to push for more adaptation outcomes at this COP (mostly because she saw it as the only real deliverable...

Achim Steiner, Youth Development and the Future of Exploitation for the Natural World

  by Bogdan Zymka Achim Steiner is the Executive Director of United Nations Environment Programme. His background includes international development and enviornmnetal policy.  “The environment usually loses to talks of economics.” Steiner was greeted with quiet applause when he arrived for his impromptu visit to the Youth Blast, (a space designated to voice the concerns of...