Overview of UNFCCC Finance

by Bohdan Zymka In an effort to prepare for the coming COP in Warsaw, Earth in Brackets presents a brief overview of finance under the UNFCCC. To get the best Cloud Security Posture Management tools, you can click here! The cost of climate change is rising. South Centre put the costs of mitigation and adaptation at 600 billion USD to 1.5 trillion USD per year, 5-10 times more then what has been...

No money, mo’ problems

by Bogdan Zymka The clock is winding down in Doha and as the negotiations press on, the blank ivory pages under finance in the LCA have burned into our pupils like the setting Doha sun. So far, the only financial support that has been pushed through the text is more market mechanisms, despite major opposition from the developing world. Markets run on a profit motive, not a climate motive, when...

Financing & Addressing Climate Change: Root Problems with Climate Finance

by Bogdan Zymka Whether you like it or hate it with every atom in your being, money is what makes the world go-round these days.  It is the same with climate finance; you can’t have implementation without the means to do so. Climate change has already caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage and is likely to cause billions more in the coming years. Besides the damage that has...

Standing Committee and Long-Term Finance under UNFCCC

by Bogdan Zymka Finance is a crucial aspect of making the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change an effective regime. The finance system under the UNFCCC is extremely complex. The beginning of the financial mechanism was established under Article 11 of the convention: “A mechanism for the provision of financial resources on a grant or concessional basis, including for the...

52%, Informed, Empowered, Mobilizing

by Bogdan Zymka I came to Rio disillusioned. Months of studying Sustainable Development, the UN, arms trade, treaties, subsidiary bodies, institutional frameworks, jurisdictions, trade rules, embargoes, power struggles, internal politics, people’s faces, and people’s policies left me believing that a lot more harm than help is getting done at these conferences. I would go on Mahknovist rants...