Graham’s Intervention to the SBI:

Yesterday, Graham Reeder gave an intervention during a plenary of the Subsidiary Body for implementation.  Earth in Brackets plans to post videos of Graham’s and Julian’s interventions, so look out.   Thank you chair, My name is Graham and I am here with College of the Atlantic to speak on behalf of the youth constituency. […]

Loss and Damage: Missing from the text

by Graham Reeder and Katie O’Brien As we came to Doha last week, we were fully expecting Loss and Damage to be a key outcome of this conference in Doha. Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC went to the African Meeting of the Ministers of the Environment to encourage them to push for […]

The kids are not alright: Frustration grows as the UNFCCC fails to actually address climate change

by Graham Reeder In 1992, the world’s governments came together in Rio and agreed to a framework convention with the straightforward objective of achieving “the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” This was to be achieved “within a time frame […]

Disagreements and distrust over chairmanship of the Durban Platform

~by Graham Reeder Last night was an exciting night in the Bonn plenary hall, it was a chance to see the real UN circus at play. There will be two co-chairs for the new Durban Platform on Enhanced Action (ADP), one from a developing country and one from a developed country. The WEOG (Western Europe […]

Adaptation negotiations stall as the rift between Rich and Poor grows

~by Graham Reeder Today's adaptation negotiations took a turn for the worse as developed and developing countries started to disagree about implementation issues. The Bonn adaptation meetings have focused on two important pieces of the Cancun Adaptation Framework: the Work Programme on Loss and Damage and the support for the National Adaptation Plans. The Loss […]