Hold your breath and read this

or "Technology Transfer to date in the negotiations" by Anjali Appadurai One of the more concrete outcomes from Cancun last year was the establishment of a new "Technology Mechanism". This cross-cutting mechanism was intended to be the place where the entire technology transfer cycle across the Convention could be managed. The Tech Mechanism consists of two parts: the Technology Executive...

Take it, leave it or change it…

by Julian Velez The ALBA group (Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas) sees that Transitional Committee (TC) has expressed very serious concerns regarding   the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The TC was uncharged of drafting all the details of how the GCF is going to function and the TC report was brought up for either adopting or rejecting it. The ALBA group doesn´t want to reject the report but...

Ministers begin their work

 by Samuli Sinisalo The ministerial Indaba-consultations about the Durban outcome begin tonight. In front of them, the ministers have five options for the possible outcome. No decision is not amongst them at this level. The first option is to implement a new legal instrument under article 17 of the convention. This would mean that the contents of the new instrument can be anything - made up in...

Global hegemons push through a well-disguised Trojan Horse

Ignoring all evidence that an agriculture work programme under SBSTA is a bad idea,  I'd automatically be wary of anything that the US, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia are pushing this hard, especially if it's 'for the sake of' developing countries.   Cartoon designed by a friend of Teresa Anderson, a woman we're working with here in Durban.

U.S. Youth Ejected from Climate Talks While Calling Out Congress’s Failure

cross-posted from SustainUS <http://sustainus.org/component/content/article/115-news-general/628-us-youth-ejected-from-climate-talks> Durban, South Africa – After nearly two weeks of stalled progress by the United States at the international climate talks, U.S. youth spoke out for a real, science-based climate treaty.  Abigail Borah, a New Jersey resident, interrupted the start of lead...