YOUNGO Intervention to CMP Plenary on Adaptation Fund

by Surya Karki and Nathan Thanki Intervention delivered by Surya Karki on behalf of Youth NGOs; Thank you Mr. President. My name is Surya, and am speaking on behalf of the youth constituencies. I am from Nepal where I have seen firsthand the impacts of climate change. Droughts are impacting agriculture, the main source of income for people in my village, and people are going hungry as a result....

This is tyranny: YOUNGO intervention to COP18 closing

This speech was given by Merna Ghaly of the Arab Youth Climate Movement to an empty plenary hall. The country delegates had all snaked away after the shameful acceptance of a decade of inaction. Nevertheless, civil society was still there till the bitter end, and we delivered strong messages of condemnation. We will be back, stronger than before... This deal is an insult to the world's most...

Call to arms: Youth speech to COP high level plenary

This morning Munira Sibai, a Syrian-American student with SustainUs, delivered this speech on behalf of young people (YOUNGO). Although many governments could not be bothered to listen to their citizens, civil society was present in force: supporting Munira and each other in a way that governments can only dream of. Onwards. I stand before you given two minutes to make the same call for action...

No Deal: CJN! intervention to COP high level plenary

on 10 minutes notice, to a near empty hall, Anjali delivered an intervention on behalf of Climate Justice Now! environmental NGOs. The UNFCCC secretariat attempted to censor our message and her mic was cut off. Nevertheless, this is what we had to say: This message is not for the blockers of progress, the bullies in the playground, though they should take heed. This message is for the most...

We stand with the Philippines

Today in the AWG-KP closing plenary the Chair forwarded a contentious draft text to the next level of negotiations; the Phillipines gave this tearful intervention among applause from civil society Madam Chair, Thank you for giving me the floor. I wish to make a statement on behalf of my own country.   At the onset, let me fully support the statement made by Algeria on behalf of G77 and...