A Green-washed Performance

Post-Rio reflections, submitted to Northern News Services, Canada By Nimisha Bastedo I was swallowed whole by the institution that spreads hope throughout the world with its blue helmets and international declarations –The United Nations. It spit me back on the streets of Rio de Janeiro feeling disillusioned, blinking in the sunlight of the real world, after dwelling in the windowless...

An ambiguous path

Discussing the concept of sustainability By Nimisha Bastedo Sustainability. It’s a word that can mean so much and so little at the same time. Throughout the entire Rio+20 roller-coaster, everyone from the most conservative State representatives to the most radical activists were either advocating for it, or at least pretending to be. If we all agree that we need to move towards a more...

¿Si un barco se hunde es porque todos están del mismo lado? Siempre hay algo más

escrito por Anyuri Betegón El barco que todos habíamos abordado hace un año camino a Rio+20 giraba en círculos y al final durante el último mes tomaba posiciones definitivas en diferentes direcciones. Brasil tomó el mando del barco luego del PrepCom III (durante los días de los diálogos), presentando al final una dirección que para...

Apariencias insostenibles.

Regresé a darle otro vistazo al proceso de las Metas de Desarollo Sostenible, y esta vez la lección que me esperaba era mucho más grande de lo que esperaba. Al terminarse la ronda de negociaciones anterior, el gobierno brasileño tomó las riendas del proceso. Lo que significa esto, es que el gobierno de este país tomó en sus manos la tarea de...

What happened at Rio+20

A few important proposals, and what happened to them By Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler Most of us from the team spent yesterday recovering from a six hour-long action at the RioCentro that included a People’s Plenary and walkout. There is a lot to be said about that process of protest, catharsis, and democracy in its rawest form, but I’ll leave it to someone else. For some reason I’m...