What the BBC is saying: EU to blame for stalling in talks

From BBC News: Science & Environment 7 December 2012 Last updated at 15:58 GMT 'Hot-air' release at Doha climate talks dispels tension By Roger Harrabin Environment analyst, Doha, Qatar Details have emerged of a deal to solve the "hot air" row undermining the EU in the UN climate change talks in Doha. The term refers to unused, tradeable carbon emission permits given to...

No money, mo’ problems

by Bogdan Zymka The clock is winding down in Doha and as the negotiations press on, the blank ivory pages under finance in the LCA have burned into our pupils like the setting Doha sun. So far, the only financial support that has been pushed through the text is more market mechanisms, despite major opposition from the developing world. Markets run on a profit motive, not a climate motive, when...

Urgent Letter to Connie Hedegaard from European Youth

cross posted from pusheurope.eu   Dear Commissioner Hedegaard,  We, European youth and civil society, are writing to you in these critical final hours of the UN climate talks in Doha to demand that the EU acts now and changes its position at the UNFCCC. We have witnessed over the past two weeks the EU’s consistent refusal to live up to its responsibilities, and we condemn...

On Irretrievability

by Trudi Zundel The last few nights at COP are characteristically grim. Ministers have arrived and Parties have been in closed sessions for two straight days. Negotiations have been in a deadlock for a week and a half—North and South are fundamentally opposed on most major issues. This is the time when the powerful players begin to throw their weight and influence over the process in...

The Red Lines of Justice, Equity and Ambition – Press Briefing

On Thursday December 6th, Angeline Annesteus, Trudi Zundel, Nathan Thanki and Katie O'Brien spoke about the state of the negotiations and what needs to be done in a press briefing. Anjali Appadurai monitored the briefing.                     Trouble viewing? Watch here. Angeline Annesteus We...