Drilling the Coast: Trump’s Offshore Drilling Plan

By: Rachael Goldberg On April 20th, 2010, the world witnessed the largest marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry, when the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig spilled 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Eight years after this devastating disaster, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), under the U.S. Department of the Interior, is in the midst of developing a...

No se trata solo de lo que decimos sino de quien escucha

Original by Andrea Fontana, translated into Spanish by Maria Sanchez Esteban El primer dia en la COP 23. Con la oportunidad de dirigirnos a la sesión plenaria de apertura de los Órganos subsidiarios en la conferencia, en pleno frenesí, redactamos una declaración en representación de la coalición Climate Justice Now. Nos enfocamos en pérdidas y daños y urgimos que las naciones...

Reclaim Power 2018 Demands

This morning civil society from across the globe welcomed party negotiators to the COP23 venue with Reclaim Power's demands that urge governments to start taking action to limit warming to 1.5˚C without destroying the livelihoods of those we are trying to protect. Reclaim Power has eight demands for governments to achieve within the year. It is time for greed to stop dictating the way...

It’s not just about what we say: it’s about who is listening

by Andrea Fontana First day at COP23. Having the chance to address the opening plenary of the Subsidiary Bodies at COP23 we frantically put together a statement on behalf of the coalition Climate Justice Now. Focusing on Loss and Damage and requesting developed countries to live up to their commitments to developing countries (don’t worry – nothing too radical here, just trying to have...

The Big Fights at COP23

Written by Thule van den Dam, Aura Silva Martinez, and Rachael Goldberg   COP23 (Fiji) in Bonn officially started today and we are caught between a rock and a hard place. The Paris Agreement is a watery, empty promise, and a Polish presidency for COP24 is promising to be as dark as the ‘Coal Summit’ that will be hosted at the same time. To hold developed countries accountable to...